Our associates have been assessing waste disposal systems for over twenty years, and our trained professionals can help you to determine an economical but environmentally sound option for your unique situation. Our staff complement includes certified On-Site Sewage System Supervisors (Installers), and Inspectors by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH). We also employ a senior geotechnical engineer, qualified designers and site supervisors under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA) recognized by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP). In addition, our Chief Executive Officer possesses a diploma of Agricultural Engineering and has over twenty-five years of experience in the Agriculture industry, including soil and crop management, erosion control, nutrient management and biosolid/septage nutrient management protocols. Our firm is qualified, certified, registered and insured as a designer of sewage systems under Bill 124 of Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Our firm carries professional and general liability insurance. We are members of the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association, and the Northern Ontario tourist Outfitter.
Canadian Shield Consultants provides a full range of services including, but not limited to:
- Inspect and troubleshoot sewage systems
- Design and drafting of sewage systems
- Installation of sewage systems
- Maintenance service provider for sewage systems
- Site assessment
- Applications and consultation for sewage works approval with the MECP or Public Health
- Direct supervision of installations – even for the do-it-yourself installation
- Soil analysis – pit operations, field sampling, soil stratification
- Groundwater analysis – sampling, monitoring, chemical and bacteriological
- Short and long term remedial options – nutrient management, erosion control
- Property Audits (Real Estate)
- Qualified training and certification of installers and real estate professionals